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Auto Accident & Injury Attorney

Attorney Paul Valdivieso has helped hundreds of Texans get back on track after being injured from vehicle wrecks.
Over 19 Years

Over 19 Years

Experience helping clients in Texas

100’s Helped

100’s Helped

Hundreds of Texans get back on track after being injured



Received Doctor of Jurisprudence degree in 1999

Since 1999

Since 1999

Opened law office 
in Houston, TX

Over 19 Years

Over 19 Years

Experience helping clients in Texas

100’s Helped

100’s Helped

Hundreds of Texans get back on track after being injured



Received Doctor of Jurisprudence degree in 1999

Since 1999

Since 1999

Opened law office 
in Houston, TX

What Others Are Saying

"Paul knows the law inside and out. My case was settled quickly and after I thought the case was done he surprised me with an even better settlement than I first thought."

Ray, a Personal Injury client

"Paul knows the law inside and out. My case was settled quickly and after I thought the case was done he surprised me with an even better settlement than I first thought."

Ray, a Personal Injury client

"Paul knows the law inside and out. My case was settled quickly and after I thought the case was done he surprised me with an even better settlement than I first thought."

Ray, a Personal Injury client

You Do Have Rights
You Do Have Rights
You have rights, and it's crucial to remember: knowledge is power. In the aftermath of an auto accident, knowing your rights is your first step towards empowerment. Whether it’s dealing with insurance companies or law enforcement, you deserve to be heard and respected under Texas law. At Paul D. Valdivieso Law, we're dedicated to defending your rights, ensuring that your voice is not just heard, but also valued.
You Are Entitled to Receive Compensation
You Are Entitled to Receive Compensation
You're entitled to receive compensation, and it's important to understand that "lo justo es justo" (fair is fair). Auto accidents bring more than just physical damage; they bring emotional pain, financial strain, and life/work disruptions. We're committed to helping you secure the compensation you deserve for recovery and peace of mind. Let us guide you through this journey, ensuring your rights are upheld every step of the way.
Navigating with Knowledge
Navigating with Knowledge
Navigating the aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming, but remember: together we are stronger. With Paul Valdivieso's expertise, you're not alone in this journey. From dealing with insurance companies to coordinating medical care, we're here to ensure your needs and rights are at the forefront. Let our knowledge and experience be your guide and support in these challenging times.
What to Do Right After a Wreck
What to Do Right After a Wreck
After a wreck, it's essential to act swiftly but thoughtfully. Safety first, then documentation. Remember: better safe than sorry. Capture photos, gather information, and be cautious with your statements. There are some statements you want to be very cautious with about your own condition and speculating on fault. Reporting the incident to law enforcement is crucial. These initial steps are critical in building your case. We're here to advise and support you in these vital moments. If you are standing on the roadside right now or searching for info after a loved one has been in a wreck and don’t know your rights, call. 
Timeline of Events Post-Wreck
Timeline of Events Post-Wreck
The timeline following a wreck is crucial. First, prioritize health and safety. Then, initiate the legal process and start documenting. It’s essential to move quickly. From consulting a lawyer to handling insurance claims, each step is significant. Our firm will guide you through every stage, ensuring a smooth and informed journey towards resolution.

Our Areas of Practice

At PDV Law, we understand that you might have lots of questions after an accident, and it’s important to know that there are no silly questions. You may be searching for answers to queries like do I need an attorney for a car wreck, what should I do right after an accident, how do insurance claims for accidents work, or what’s different about my type of accident. We’re here to help clear up these questions, ensuring you know your rights and get the support and compensation you deserve.

“At PDV Law, we're more than your lawyers; we're your guardians. Driven to serve the underserved, we believe in unity, there's strength.”
Paul D. Valdivieso
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